The Phoenix Journal

In this journal you have space to spill out your deepest thoughts, feelings and reflections. Remember, in the phoenix’s presence you cannot tell a lie. Be honest with your journal and be honest with yourself. There may be some tears, but remember the phoenix’s tears have healing powers. This journal provides the space to release worry, fear and negativity, after all, the phoenix is a symbol of birth and renewal. 

No affiliate or benefit to me, but click the button below if you want to use this as your Phoenix Journal. This Journal not only flaunts the gorgeous fiery red color of the Phoenix, but the best part is it has refillable pages. No worries about wasting a good journal.

How It to Do It

Once you know the legend of the Phoenix the process is easy.


Spill your deepest thoughts honestly. Remember, in the presence of a phoenix you cannot tell a lie.


The Phoenix's tears have healing powers. That means it's ok to feel your emotions deeply, it's ok for tears and words to spill out into this journal.


When the time has come, safely burn your pages. Use an outside campfire or carefully burn your pages in an indoor fireplace.  The Phoenix burns into ashes as one life closes, but she is reborn from the ashes to begin a new story. Let the burning of your pages signify a closed chapter with a rebirth for a fresh start.


Fly. Let this weight be lifted off your shoulders. Feel the freedom as you spread your wings towards new endeavors. 

Why It Works


Believe it or not, sometimes the person it is hardest to be honest with is ourselves. Use the phoenix as your trusted guide. Trust her with your story. As you write in the pages don't judge your words as good or bad. Just notice them. Simple awareness will ignite your healing.


This journal is an opportunity to release thoughts and feelings that have been trapped. In order to release these feelings it is likely that you will feel them deeply before they go. It's ok to feel sad, angry, confused, and scared.  Remember the Phoenix's tears have healing powers. 


Burning your pages offers two benefits.  First of you will symbolically burn these words to the ashes, so that a new story can be born. Second, the warmth and the crackle of the fire is meditative. Watch the flame dance, let it inspire. Breathe. 


Remember at the beginning of the course how we put our ideas on paper to keep them from spiraling in a circle. By releasing your thoughts and worries onto the phoenix's pages, your thoughts are no longer trapped in a spiral inside of you. You now have less of a load. You now have freedom to start your new story. 

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